Subgroup Discovery: Beyond coverage and mean-shift
An outstanding subgroup might need more than just a big size and a difference average value from the population. Continue reading Subgroup Discovery: Beyond coverage and mean-shift
An outstanding subgroup might need more than just a big size and a difference average value from the population. Continue reading Subgroup Discovery: Beyond coverage and mean-shift
An intuitive introduction to Information Content, Encoding, Entropy, Joint Entropy, Cross Entropy, KL Divergence, Conditional Entropy, and Mutual Information… Continue reading Information Theory concepts: Entropy, Mutual Information, KL-Divergence, and more
Various types of sampling techniques for imbalanced datasets are discussed in depth with examples and analysis. Get yourself familiar with over-/under-sampling, SMOTE, ADA-SYN, sampling with cleaning, boosting, clustering, and more. Continue reading Imbalanced Learning: sampling techniques
Python, the most common programming language for practicing Machine Learning – Data Mining (ML and DM) today, and Jupyter, a convenient environment for writing Python code. Continue reading Introduction to Python and Jupyter
Getting started with Machine Learning What are Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning? Different types of Machine Learning Machine Learning Applications Introduction to Python and Jupyter Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-learn and Matplotlib Data Scraping Data scraping: City dataset from Versus.com Data scraping: Phone dataset from Versus.com Data scraping: KDnuggets.com’s post statistics Data Scraping: Android App Dataset from Google Play Store Data Cleaning Data Cleaning case study: Google Play Store Dataset Preparatory Phase Control Variable Splitting data into a Training set and a Validation set Imbalanced Learning: sampling techniques Exploratory Data Analysis QQ plot versus PP plot versus Probability plot Multicollinearity … Continue reading Data Mining – Machine Learning