Parametric vs Non-parametric algorithms

A beautiful sight

When browsing through tutorials and reading books, sometimes we see the terms ‘Parametric‘ and ‘Non-parametric‘ algorithms. The authors of the tutorials and books suggest when we should use this type of algorithms and when to use the other, but how do we differentiate between these two? This blog post will show us how!

Let me take a subtle note before we begin, hopefully, this will not drag your mood down, but the separating line of Parametric and Non-parametric is somehow vague, meaning the discrimination is a bit ambiguous. Nevertheless, it is just “a bit ambiguous”, not “very ambiguous”, so don’t be depressed, ok?


\blacktriangleright The most important factor to determine if an algorithm is parametric or not depends on its nature and assumptions: a parametric algorithm has some assumptions about the underlying characteristics of the function it estimates, while a non-parametric algorithm does not.


The Linear Regression has the assumption that the predictor variables have a linear and additive relationship to the target variable.K-Nearest Neighbors does not make any assumption about the data, its classification of a data point depends purely on the known points around.

\blacktriangleright The second trait is: for parametric algorithms, the number of parameters is usually fixed, while for non-parametric algorithms, it can potentially grow to infinity, depending on the training data.


The Linear Regression has a fixed number of weights, which is pre-defined before we train the model.For the Decision Tree, the number of nodes in the tree is not constant. Depending on the size and the width of input data that the number of nodes can rise indefinitely.

\blacktriangleright The third and also the last property is: The parameters of parametric models usually have their meaning (i.e. role) in explaining how the models work, while this is not true for non-parametric models.


Each weight of a Linear Regression model represents how a predictor variable affects the target variable. A big absolute weight means the predictor has a big influence on the target, while a nearly-zero weight says that the predictor is somehow not important at all.For deep neural networks, the value of weights on the connections and the bias terms do not tell anything specific.


Some parametric algorithms are:

  • Linear regression
  • Logistic regression
  • Gaussian Naive Bayes

Some non-parametric algorithms are:

  • K-nearest neighbors
  • Decision tree
  • Deep neural networks
  • Support vector machine
  • Naive Bayes with Density estimation


Each type of algorithm has its own advantages and disadvantages. While we look at them from this angle, there are only 2 types, so the advantages of this type are the disadvantages of the other type and vice versa.

The parametric algorithms usually have below strengths:

  • Simpler and more intuitive.
  • Faster to train and give predictions.
  • Require fewer data.
  • Interpretable.

To the contrary, non-parametric algorithms thrive on:

  • Have flexibility, more versatile as they do not make assumptions about data.
  • Stronger performance if being provided enough data.

To sum up

In this blog post, we discussed the differences and how to differentiate parametric and non-parametric algorithms. In short, parametric algorithms (represented by Linear regression) make strong assumptions about the data, thus they require fewer data to train and lesser time to run. On the other hand, Non-parametric algorithms (e.g. Deep neural networks) do not assume prior knowledge of the data, which makes them more versatile.

Test your understanding

Parametric vs Non-parametric algorithms - Quiz

1 / 7

What is the most prominent factor for discriminating parametric and non-parametric algorithms?

2 / 7

What are the usual traits of a non-parametric method? Choose all that apply.

3 / 7

What are some examples of parametric methods? Choose all that apply.

4 / 7

What are some examples of non-parametric methods? Choose all that apply.

5 / 7

What are the usual traits of a parametric method? Choose all that apply.

6 / 7

In general, what are some advantages of parametric models? Choose all that apply.

7 / 7

In general, what are some advantages of non-parametric models? Choose all that apply.

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  • Wikipedia’s page about the parametric model: link
  • A Quora question of parametric and non-parametric algorithms: link
  • A question on StackExchange about the same topic: link

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